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Future of Coding Weekly 2023/06 Week 2

2023-06-11 19:14

👩‍🔬 Communal computing for 21st-century science 👓 Apple Vision 💡 Interface Futures

Two Minute Week

🎥 Nette X-Ray: Auto-Highlight Key People, Places & Phrases via Pawel Ceranka

🧵 conversation

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This is a relatively simple concept but I think it’s quite powerful.

In Nette we try to allow users to grab anything that looks like interesting information and then drop it on canvas (we will turn it into the right type of blocks).

Here we have “X-Ray” 😎

Essentially Named Entity Recognition, which adds affordances to recognised phrases —you can then drop any of them onto the canvas and we’ll try to make a Definition block out of it.

This is what it looks like 🙂

Our Work

🐦 Natalya Tatarchuk 🇺🇦 on Twitter via Wouter van Oortmerssen

🧵 conversation

Slides from a recent talk of mine (at a game engine/rendering conference, but is actually very much about programming language design/impl as it relates to game engines), video still forthcoming:

🐦 Natalya Tatarchuk 🇺🇦 on Twitter: #REAC2023 - the slides from Wouter van Oortmerssen's "Scripting Language? Engine Language? Why Not Both?" posted - Enjoy!

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Devlog Together

💬 Yair Chuchem

🧵 conversation

Lamdu now elaborates on non-trivial type errors!

In the screenshot several type errors are demonstrated:

  • A simple one: Text isn’t Num
  • “Occurs check”: func func means that the type of func is infinitely (((a -> a) -> a) -> a) -> … (note it can be done if wrapping in a nominal type to break the loop
  • Expand-record when inside record has the same fields. The message here isn’t yet very informative to which field is duplicated. Just says “constraints” for now
  • Scoped type variable escape (i.e “skolem”) error. This is equivalent to leaking Haskell’s ST monad’s s variable

Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 11.54.42-fs8.png

💬 Maikel van de Lisdonk

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Just a small clip to show a stress test I've worked on for my new visual programming system.. maybe not super impressive, but at least it is performing better then my old system. It uses purely DOM, svg and css (transforms).

Creating all the nodes from javascript takes still quite long, they do all have different shapes though (using css clip-path).

🎥 Demo

💬 Oleksandr Kryvonos

🧵 conversation

created basic transpiler from json-AST-C# to C#, I intend to write in this json format and to have code in other languages generated from it, this is in a spirit of Haxe

Знімок екрана 2023-06-10 о 23.03.08.png

💬 Jason Morris

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So the answer to "can you use ProseMirror to generate a WYSIWYG-style editor that adheres to a standard XML schema for statutes" seems to be "yes, but there is a LOT of work involved in making the editing experience remotely acceptable." Normal and debug mode pictured.



Thinking Together

💬 Sophia Deng

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I'm currently thinking about whether Product Managers (or other non-coder end users) can be able to make direct changes to native product without Engineers. In the companies I've been at, there's been paper cuts and requests that engineers make to the product, which are time-consuming, tedious and take away from actual product/infra development.

If there are guardrails that Engineers define on certain parts of the product, are there any problems to this idea? Curious what others think and/or have seen

💬 Walker Griggs

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I've been working on a specification for better, networked bookmarks.

A problem I'm currently facing: I share a lot of links. I have a channel on my Slack workspace called #walkers-claptrap where I share anything / everything that I find noteworthy. It's a bit like #linking-together. That said, not everyone I share bookmarks with (and short remarks about them) are at work, so I'm frequently duplicating and sharing over multiple lines of communication (texting, social media, slack, etc). Even then, those channels aren't easily traversed and are organized linearly. I don't love sorting things by date when their value isn't directly scoped to time. I'd also prefer to publish some place that I own and syndicate elsewhere, so that rules out Twitter.

semi-solution: The claptrap specification. A graph of links / small notes. The edges are based on relationships or membership with some group. A claptrap MUST be hosted plaintext and MAY be accessed with curl or similar tool (sort of like Carmack's .plan files). A claptrap MAY expose an RSS of updates to syndicate to channels etc. A claptrap MAY reference external claptrap nodes to network / branch beyond the local graph.

Still very much a work in progress. Does anyone have a similar problem; do you have a solution you like? I want to bridge the gap between "personal knowledge base" and "sharing links into the ether"

📝 Rosie Pattern Engine (Rosie Pattern Language) via Paul Tarvydas

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I wonder if anyone has tried to use Rosie as a replacement for grep?

IMO, the problem with grep is that it based on regular expressions, whereas PEG is more powerful. My favourite PEG is Ohm-JS but I am curious about Rosie...

💬 John Austin

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Hey all! I need a tool / stack suggestion. We'd like to track internal metrics for development like build performance stats, build size, source control size, etc. I'd like to be able to see these trends in a graph by date/commit.

  • CI tools can do some of this, but they only surface a small, inconfigurable set of metrics. Usually just test failures and build times.
  • There are monitoring solutions like Grafana Cloud, Datadog, but these all seem geared towards monitoring servers and cloud systems. They also assume you're ingesting massive amounts of data.

What I really just want is a POST-able URL that I can spit metrics to, and a dashboard with some basic alerting. Is there something like this that exists?

💬 Jason Morris

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Attending a conference today and yesterday about Blockly, the visual code editing environment. Big push toward bi-drectionality between code and blocks. For integration with existing code-bases, AI generation, collaboration with people not using visual editors, etc. At least two different approaches being investigated or used, and I would be inclined to use a completely different one. They don't realize it, but some of their problems are solved by some of the tools people here are working on. Like how do you make it so that you can generate blocks when the text is in an invalid state? Much easier to just avoid invalid states, like Blockly does! How can you avoid invalid states if the person isn't finished typing, and there are mandatory subnodes in the AST? Much easier to fill holes by default, like Blockly does. Essentially, they can't get to bidirectionality, because the text editing experience is structurally unaware. It's not possible with VSCode, but it is possible with Tylr, or anything that imposes a structure. Even ProseMirror would work better. But there is no need to stop at two concrete syntaxes, if you can sacrifice interface specific details (e.g. whitespace in text, grid position in Blockly), or keep them where they live (linter settings, a database of block locations outside the AST), you can operate directly on the AST in whatever tool you want. Has anyone played with a "headless" AST that could be used that way? It feels like all structural editors need one, particularly if they hope to facilitate collaborative editing. Has anyone tried putting two different coding interfaces over the same shared AST?

💬 Jason Morris

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Has anyone seen controlled natural languages implemented in a structure-aware WYSIWYG XML editor? Is there some reason that wouldn't work?


📝 Communal computing for 21st-century science via Ivan Reese

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Addendum to the above, this PDF on the Dynamicland site. Starts with a bang.

Nobody asked for the invention of the graphical user interface. It wasn’t on any national research agenda. There was no demand from users — they were a small cadre of professionals using computing for specialized technical tasks, and accepted command-driven textual interfaces as simply what it meant to use a computer. There was no demand from the public — most people never expected to touch a computer in their lives.

The concepts around directly manipulating information arranged spatially on a screen were invented unbidden by a small group of visionaries, particularly in the research groups of Doug Engelbart and Alan Kay in the 1960s and 1970s. They believed that computing could be more than just number crunching, that it could serve as a medium for all people to see and discuss ideas, if only those ideas could be represented in visible, manipulable forms.

I haven't read the rest of the PDF yet, but it looks to go into a fair bit more detail about their vision for the "21st Century Science Lab" than what was hinted at in the video.

👓 Apple Vision Pro via Ivan Reese

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Alright, so we have the above visionary approach to spatial computing where you can actually touch and feel the computable things, your body is fully present in the computable space — assuming the dream comes true and it ever takes off — versus the now all-too-inevitable Vision where you don't even get to touch glass, your body is so absent that they have to make a meta human out of you. Here's hoping the latter doesn't take the wind out of the sails of the former.

I'm curious to see what sorts of programming tools Apple has come up with for Vision. I'm assuming it'll be the same old Swift, SwiftUI, and Xcode (now in a spatial window), but maybe there'll be some hint of novelty in Reality Composer Pro or some other accessory tooling. But I'm far, far more interested in seeing what we all can come up with.

💡 Interface Futures: Exploring Potential Futures Through User Interface Design Concepts via Prathyush

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Pretty nice website cataloguing futuristic UIs here: interfacefutures.com

Any idea who is behind it?

🛸 tiles421.lisp - Macintosh Repository via Jack Rusher

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“The first version of what would evolve into the world-renowned block-based Scratch programming language.” Mid-90s code base created at MIT using Macintosh Common Lisp 2.0.

💬 Cole Lawrence

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Does anyone have suggestions for a snapshot history UX for multi-dimensional data (like Excel, but with more dimensions)? It seems that most implementations for Figma, Google Workspace, and Microsoft Office 365 are pretty basic, but maybe that’s all people expect, so it’s not worth the effort to try to be clever. What do others think? I’d be pretty curious for people to suggest products which were able to “double count” the typical “snapshot” UX by thoughtfully pairing it with another need like audit-ability. For example: Procreate has a way to see the timelapse of changes to a piece of art over time. Or, you could use snapshots as a way to tell a story with data, by selecting interesting snapshots to be used as “key frames” in a presentation.

💬 Kartik Agaram

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I finally had occasion to try out Obsidian today. Some notes after 5 minutes of use.

  • The initial experience is a blank screen without bullets. I thought the outliner view was the #1 selling point of such tools? Do people use Obsidian to write free-form text?
  • I can copy a set of nested bullets from Obsidian to LogSeq and it works great. In the other direction, though, Obsidian loses all the nested structure I copied from LogSeq.

Overall the experience has been surprising. The open source clone felt like a more polished onboarding experience than the relatively proprietary and centrally coordinated product. I'm curious if that matches other people's experience.

🕹 GDC Showcase via Ivan Reese

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GDC (Game Developers Conf) is running a Showcase event at the end of June. They've sent me some codes for free passes — DM me if you want one.


💬 Paul Tarvydas

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  • humans have cognitive limits,
  • e.g. the Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two
  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Magical_Number_Seven,_Plus_or_Minus_Two
  • does GPT have similar cognitive limits?
  • is this a Golden Number? a universal truth? a universal constant?
  • is it necessary to arrange information in a hierarchy?
  • or, does GPT’s perfect memory change this pattern?

Future of Coding Weekly 2023/06 Week 1

2023-06-05 22:58

🎙 FoC Podcast: INTERCAL 💡 Adjacent Possible Interfaces 🧬 Communal computing for 21st century science

Two Minute Week

⚖️ GitHub.com/Lexpedite/lawmirror via Jason Morris

🧵 conversation

This is what has been preoccupying my mind this week. Using ProseMirror to build a WYSIWYG web editor prototype that is compliant with a subset of the LegalDocML OASIS standard. Wanted to get a better idea of the complexity. GPT4 was more useful than the docs, it turns out.

🎥 Law Mirror Demo

🎥 Nette: Worm Selection 🐛 via Pawel Ceranka

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Since it’s the weekend I think it’s fitting to post something a bit ridiculous 🙂

It’s a combination of a universal text highlighter & blocks highlighter in our ‘infinite’ canvas app

Our Work

🎙 Future of Coding • Episode 64 - Donald Woods & James Lyon • INTERCAL via Ivan Reese

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A normal episode about a normal paper about a normal language.

[Really, what else is there to say?]

💡 Adjacent Possible: A space where we explore novel possibilities for digital interfaces via Prathyush

🧵 conversation

Hey there, we started a project where we explore novel UI designs. We call it “Adjacent Possible” in reference to Kauffman’s idea. Do check it out if you get a chance and would love to know your feedback!

🎥 Adjacent Possible Demo

🧲 Expert AI coding assistant - Magnet via Nicolae Rusan

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Hey FoC community! I wanted to share a project we’ve been working on that we’re starting to ship more publicly called Magnet. Magnet is an AI Coding Assistant that makes it easy to use GPT-4 & ChatGPT in the context of your own codebase. It’s a desktop application that runs for MacOS (Windows coming soon)

🧲 Download Magnet here

🎥 Here’s a little video walkthrough of how the tool works today

With the new coding capabilities of LLMs we wanted to start exploring what new AI tooling for building software might look like. We’re excited for some of what is coming up as well that tries to reimagine what some of the software dev workflows might look like when there’s an AI assistant along for the ride.

This first version is pretty simple but we’ve already been finding it pretty useful. It’s free to use if you put in your own OpenAI API Key so feel free to give it a spin (the hosted version uses our GPT-4 API key in case you want to try out GPT-4 and don’t have access yet).

Devlog Together

💬 Jason Morris

🧵 conversation

Ugh. I have discovered that a library exists for building a UI I have wanted for ~6 years, and I have fallen into a prototyping rabbit hole, fighting a language and a framework I'm unfamiliar with, plus good code with bad documentation. I've never seen anyone spill this many pixels on documentation and fail to mention how it is installed, fail to give a step-by-step hello world, and create dozens of examples none of which can actually be followed successfully without spending hours researching and deducing what it would have taken mere minutes to type out. It's a master class in the curse of expertise.

🎥 Visual programming start over via Maikel van de Lisdonk

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Since the beginning of this year I've started working on a new visual programming system. The project which I was working on before had too much dependencies and limited me too much. This is the first progress that I can share. It's just a little demo showing a very small flow where you can see moving data points over the wires and changing the speed, there's no timeline yet (yes, I was inspired by Hest.. although Ivan Reese 's gifs still look way better offcourse 😊). I am building this without runtime dependencies (react or other framework is not used, pure vanilla javascript with my custom jsx transformer).

📝 Bolting Little Languages Together via Paul Tarvydas

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I think we need many different little languages and a substrate “language” (kernel) to bolt them all together.

Note that, in electronics, there is/was something called “design rules” which is something more-than-type. In web-site design, one uses “input validation” which is like type-checking but on a very per-project basis. It would be nice to be able to bolt design-rule checkers together using a palette of existing components. Again, it seems that one should want a palette of components to help build up design rule checkers and completely different palette of components to build up actions. I would expect to use different “syntaxes” for each concern and would expect to use IDE layers to deal with each kind of issue separately then let the IDE automagically stitch them together. This is just another way of saying “I would like to use a different language (SCN in my words) to deal with each kind of issue”. Would I use text-based SCNs exclusively? No. But, for text-based SCNs, I would use Ohm-JS and for diagrammatic SCNs I would start by using draw.io. Both kinds of syntaxes are “easy” now, so there is no reason not to build project-specific SCNs. We have been indoctrinated to believe that “one language to rule them all” GPLs is the way to go. I don’t agree.


📝 The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels bet… via Walker Griggs

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Has anyone read the Tao of Physics? How did you find it? I'm picked it up last week before a long train ride -- really not sure what to make of it yet

🛸 github.com/benrayfield/wikibinator203 via Ivan Reese

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Found some cool FoC-as-outsider-art — github.com/benrayfield/wikibinator203

The README goes hard and doesn't quit. Pullquote:

LICENSE SUMMARY: Its basically, do whatever you want but nobody owns the lambdas, and that in the evilbit=true namespace all possible bits are allowed, including evil bits (even if its virus, ransomware, etc), as its an antivirus quarantine, and in the evilbit=false namespace it works like the normal internet

And don't miss the website, but also CW there's lots of intense moving colors.




🫂 Philosophy in a time of Software via Ivan Reese

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Also, digging through some internet backwaters for references, I found this old mailing list — Philosophy in a time of Software

Made me wonder if anyone who used to hang out there is now here.

🧬🎥 Communal computing for 21st century science, Apr 2023 via Christopher Shank

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Future of Coding Weekly 2023/05 Week 4

2023-05-22 09:35

💡 PL Design & Implementation Community 🏗️ Google Visual Blocks for ML 💼 Future of Coding as Management

Two Minute Week

🎥 Structured editor in the terminal via Peter Saxton

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I've built a structured editor using go for my language. This one is a TUI based interface.

Devlog Together

💬 Jason Morris

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Just had a meeting with my user. Singular. He's been busy writing code, and the code is working, and he's starting to feel competent with the tool. So I have a guy trained as a lawyer doing legal knowledge representation in a constraint answer set programming language, without help, and validating that code as accurate with the help of other non-coders. Zero to one. Woo! 🎉

💬 Jimmy Miller

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Since getting laid off at shopify, I've been trying to do a bit more on side projects. I've been streaming building an arm assembler that is serving as the basis for a programming language I want to build. At the simplest level, I want a dynamically typed language that compiles straight to machine code (not aot). But ultimately, I want this to serve as a platform for experimenting with features a lot of languages don't have.

Off stream I've been working on my editor, right now learning the bare minimum of shaders so I can play with some effects and think about ways an editor could look and work.

If anyone has thoughts or ideas on either of these topics, happy to hear them.

📝 Working Paper rt0D via Paul Tarvydas

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...“Computer” is a Misnomer, “Function” is a Misnomer, “CPU” is a Misnomer, Mathematics Notation, Verbatim, How?...

The ultimate goal is to enable the use of diagrams as syntax (DaS). This is but a step in that direction.

... “RT” is like assembler with a recursive syntax, instead of a line-oriented syntax ...

The rest of the note is at Working Paper rt0D


📢 Programming Languages Festival! (Feb 2024) via Nick Main

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Fun, 2-day, single-track, non-academic conference

🏗️ Google Visual Blocks for ML via Maikel van de Lisdonk

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Visual Blocks for ML is a Google visual programming framework that lets you create ML pipelines in a node and wires graph editor.

💡 Programming Language Design and Implementation via Ivan Reese

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New StackExchange site for Programming Language Design and Implementation


💼 smol developer via Riley Stewart

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AI autocompletion like Copilot was just the beginning - we're going to be getting more agents trying to automate much of the process of software engineering. The future of coding is starting to look like management.

Human-centric & Coherent Whole Program Synthesis aka your own personal junior developer

📢 Generative AI Game Jam via Eli Mellen

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If anyone is near Portland, Maine, I think this generative AI game jam will be fun!

Use generative AI to build games, work solo or in teams, and showcase your skills. Let's push the boundaries of game design together!

Future of Coding Weekly 2023/05 Week 3

2023-05-14 23:23

💼 CRDT Collaborative Spreadsheets ✍ Real-time collaboration & version control for writers 🗄️ Xerox PARC file system archive

Two Minute Week

🐢 > Outlines in > Outlines in > Outlines by Mariano Guerra

🧵 conversation

Contributing to the Lu Wilson Cinematic Universe

> Outlines in > Outlines in > Outlines

  • Enter deeply nested objects/arrays

  • Leave by using breadcrumbs at the top

  • Paginate objects/arrays

  • Collapse/Expand children

  • Do operations at any level

  • State survives data updates


🐝 firefly-lang.org via Joakim Ahnfelt-Rønne

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LSP experience of writing the webserver that redirects firefly-lang.org to firefly-lang.org

🎥 Demo

💬 Jason Morris

🧵 conversation

Improved the interface, fixed event reasoning, and restyled the scenario editor to look like a Gov't of Canada webpage. Code in the picture, result in the gif.



Our Work

💬 Yair Chuchem

🧵 conversation

Finally fixed glitches in Lamdu’s resize, so we can showcase our automatic layout quite nicely!

🎥 lamdu resize demo

Devlog Together

💻 adept.ai via Nilesh Trivedi

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TaxyAI repo has been removed and the site now redirects to adept.ai. I started a fresh browser extension project to replicate that and more: github.com/aicombinator/browser-extension

Javascript developers are welcome to contribute! 🙏

🐸 TODEPOND TIMES: Resolve via Lu Wilson

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tried out recording myself talking for my weekly update this week. may or may not keep doing this!

this week: some progress on video-editing, and why I love data validation

💬 Jason Morris

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Had an interesting experience this week, I'd like to share about the effect of changing the visual context of my tool...🧵

Thinking Together

💬 Josh Cho

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I have been creating a graph-based notetaking app; I am curious about the current landscape. I see Roam/Obsidian/Logseq sort of in the same category (with Obsidian Canvas as a feature with a lot of potential), and Tana (which I just learned about) goes one step further by nodifying more things. Are there any other killer features/products in this space?

I don't want to make something that already exists :)


💬 Paul Tarvydas

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I enjoyed this assessment. I lived through the shift to recursion. I note, though, that recursion and functions make sense only for single-threaded pieces of hardware which is how CPUs and Memory were perceived in the 1950s. Today, we can have bowls full of CPUs with their own local memories, which changes the ground truth about hardware. While it is possible to extrapolate recursion to describe distributed systems, the recursive mind-set leads to epicycles such as thread safety, multi-tasking operating systems, thread libraries, loops, etc., i.e. a generally horrible DX (Developer eXperience) for creating distributed programs.

🎥 "Emmy: Moldable Physics and Lispy Microworlds" by Sam Ritchie via Kartik Agaram

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🛸 Spring Lisp Game Jam 2023 via Paul Tarvydas

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Lisp Game Jam is a recurring game jam taking place for a full 10 days. After the jam has finished, 3 days are given to everyone to try out the game submissions and vote for their favorites. There is no theme for this jam.

💼 A Study of Semantics for CRDT-based Collaborative Spreadsheets via Mariano Guerra

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Online collaboration is becoming prevalent in our day-today work. As commercial applications show, next to texts, spreadsheets are an essential tool for storing and organizing shared data. However, concurrent modifications of a collaborative spreadsheet can lead to unexpected results when they reflect implementation decisions rather than user intention.

With this paper, we systematically discuss spreadsheet operations and their semantics and propose intention-preserving designs in a concurrent decentralized setting, thus supporting offline operations. We further explore different data models for shared spreadsheets based on composed Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) and give an implementation in the local-first framework Yjs.

📑 Halt and catch fire syllabus via João Araújo

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Any folks here interested in doing this “watching group” together? bits.ashleyblewer.com/halt-and-catch-fire-syllabus

📝 Upwelling: Combining real-time collaboration with version control for writers. via Carson Kahn

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Surprising to see this hasn’t (?) been shared in FoC yet

Collaborative writing tools don’t work well for writers or editors. With Upwelling, we demonstrate a design that gives writers privacy while still offering editors transparency into how a document is changing.

🪵 The Pinocchioverse via Kartik Agaram

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Hest in real life: pinocchioverse.org

🗄️ Xerox PARC file system archive: A Backup of Historical Proportions - CHM via João Araújo

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The PARC archive is open!

Discover what surprises await in CHM's release of the Xerox PARC file system archive.

💬 Eric Normand

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Does anyone know of a recent book that describes some of the efforts and thinking about the future of code?

💡 scrapscript.org via Mariano Guerra

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Scrapscript is best understood through a few perspectives:

  • “it’s JSON with types and functions and hashed references”
  • “it’s tiny Haskell with extreme syntactic consistency”
  • “it’s a language with a weird IPFS thing”

🧮 Sinerider via Kartik Agaram

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This game feels very Bret Victor: sinerider.com

A game about love and graphing

Future of Coding Weekly 2023/05 Week 2

2023-05-07 23:55

🛸 Moldable Physics & Lispy Microworlds 🏗 Structured Editing for All 🤖 Programming Language for AI

Two Minute Week

🤖🎥 Visual Programming for the Modern Web via Gabriel Grinberg

Flyde is a modern visual programming tool that fully integrates with your codebase

🧵 conversation

Something I've been wanting to play with for a long white!

A naive integration of OpenAI into Flyde

🎥 It generates a file that implements a Flyde "Code Part" based on a prompt.

Too slow and far from perfect, but hey.. it works 😄

Our Work

🏗🎥 02/05/2023, Algorithm J & first class match statements via Peter Saxton

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This week I got type inference back into my editor and used it to demonstrate how the first class case statements in the language work.

🛸🎥 "Emmy: Moldable Physics and Lispy Microworlds" by Sam Ritchie via Jack Rusher

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A different idea of what a “tool for thought” can be! This videos shows Sam’s work on Emmy , a computer algebra system ported from Sussman’s scmutils , embedded in our literate programming/moldable development environment, Clerk


🏗🎥 Structured Editing for All: Deriving Usable Structured Editors From Grammars via Mariano Guerra

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Structured editing can show benefits in learnability, tool building, and editing efficiency in programming.

However, creating a usable structured editor is laborious and demanding, typically requiring tool builders to manually create or adjust editing interactions.

We present Sandblocks, a system that allows users to automatically generate structured editors for every language with a formal grammar available.

Our system's input reconciliation process acts on arbitrary syntax trees to provides consistent interactions across our generated editors.

Our editors' editing experience is designed to be familiar to users from textual editing but, compared to previous work, requires no manual annotation in the grammars.

🤖💻 modular.com/mojo via Shubhadeep Roychowdhury

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Mojo – a new programming language for AI developers

📝 Doug McIlroy: McCarthy Presents Lisp via Christopher Galtenberg

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"There it was — functional programming ex nihilo... Nobody would ever again wonder what good it was to allow functions to call themselves. And it was all so clear one could go home and build it oneself without any instruction book."

Devlog Together

💬 Ivan Reese

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Gave an internal presentation today about color spaces, color theory, accessibility, etc. Wait, what does that have to do with programming? Well… [he teases]

💬 Jason Morris

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Welp, I let my desire for novelty get the best of me, spent two days making cosmetic changes that weren't actually needed for anything, spent another two days digging myself out from under all the bugs I created in the process. Then I started work on the thing I should actually have been doing on Monday, and it's noon on Friday and the half-fix I have implemented has created other, worse problems than the problem I'm trying to fix. So a week has gone by, and the tool LOOKS way better, and WORKS way worse. Yay, I guess.


💬 Nilesh Trivedi

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Been thinking about the infra needed for human-machine teaming, I think a lot of knowledge from the field of business process management can be reimagined, just with powerful natural language capabilities.

  • Natural language becomes the API interface between humans and machines.
  • No need to formally describe the workflow. Just talk to it and let the LLM create/modify/delete these.
  • These workflows are essentially Turing-complete, distributed program where the job "processors" are people and bots. For eg: BPMN already supported branching, sequential processing, parallel processing etc.
  • Open-source Zapier-equivalent systems can be a good starting point for these.

📝 ‘Godfather of AI’ Geoffrey Hinton quits Google and warns over dangers of misinformation via Paul Tarvydas

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‘Godfather of AI’ Geoffrey Hinton quits Google and warns over dangers of misinformation” - maybe old news, but I haven’t seen it mentioned here...

The neural network pioneer says dangers of chatbots were ‘quite scary’ and warns they could be exploited by ‘bad actors’

🎥 The AI Effect: A New Era in Music and Its Unintended Consequences via Paul Tarvydas

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Perspective on AI from a music producer (He reminds us of Napster and concludes that networks, like Paramount+, Apple Music, Spotify, etc. will simply side-step artists and music labels altogether)

Future of Coding Weekly 2023/05 Week 1

2023-05-01 23:23

🎥 LIVE Videos at SPLASH 22 📑 Future of Programming at CHI 23 📜 History of CS 🖱️ All the (Old) Widgets

Two Minute Week

💬 Jarno Montonen

🧵 conversation

Beginnings of a computational notebook built with my natural language structure editor workbench

🎥 computation notebook demo

💬 Corey Montella

🧵 conversation

Demonstrating a prototype of the capability permission system for mech. Anyone out here have experience implementing a system like this? Any pointers or tips?

🎥 capability permission system for mech

Our Work

📙 ☞ The Magic of Code via Sam Arbesman

🧵 conversation

This might be of interest to folks here: I'm working on a new book project all about computation from many different angles. Working title is "The Magic of Code" and I would welcome everyone following along and providing advice and feedback: arbesman.substack.com/p/the-magic-of-code

📝 Tana for Builders - Tana Help Center via Stian Håklev

🧵 conversation

We just launched a new concept of command nodes in Tana, which together with AI enables some pretty powerful workflows. help.tana.inc/tana-for-builders.html. See some building walkthroughs in this 🐦 thread

Devlog Together

💬 Jason Morris

🧵 conversation

Finished a version with event reasoning, didn't even really have a chance to test it before realizing there is at least one more missing feature needed for my current project, namely predicates with an arity of greater than 2. Added that as a feature to the block language and the reasoner on Monday. Added it to the API for the reasoner yesterday. Today I need to implement it in the "Scenario Editor" which allows users to describe facts, run queries against those facts, and display the results. Absolutely dreading it. Wish me luck.

Thinking Together

🖱️🎥 All the Widgets - 1990 via Mariano Guerra

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Is there a more modern version of "All the Widgets - 1990"

Grouping UI components by "type" and showing examples?

🙋 Ask HN: Why is bash a popular scripting language? via Peter Saxton

🧵 conversation

I've just asked this question "Why is bash a popular scripting language" to the wider internet news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35744867

I'm interested what do we think a futuristic shell environment looks like. is it a notebook replacing a shell, a different language i.e. more functional? or does a simple text script always exist


🎥 LIVE @ SPLASH 2022 via Mariano Guerra

🧵 conversation

LIVE @ SPLASH 2022 Video Playlist


📑 The future of programming: Research at CHI 2023 via Shubhadeep Roychowdhury

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The future of programming: Research at CHI 2023

🎥 Enso 101 via Mariano Guerra

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Enso 101 an updated introduction to enso.org

📜🎥 Gregory Chaitin Lecture Carnegie-Mellon University 2000 Pt 1 via Jack Rusher

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Gregory Chaitin giving a lecture on the history of computer science through the lens of philosophy and mathematics. The link should skip the intro in this video. There are many more parts, so it’s not the shortest watch, but it’s very important material that is under-taught in the standard CS curriculum.

🎥 Graphologue: Exploring Large Language Model Responses with Interactive Diagrams via Jack Rusher

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Very nice UI ideas for extracting information during LLM-based workflows

Future of Coding Weekly 2023/04 Week 4

2023-04-24 10:52

✍ Drawings Text & Code 🤖 LowCode / NoCode & LLMs 🏗️ Structured Editors Old & New 💡 What Follows from Empirical Software Research?

Two Minute Week

🏗 Joakim Ahnfelt-Rønne

🧵 conversation

🎥 Autocomplete exhaustive patterns for Firefly

Our Work

Visualizing Software: draw.io for editing programs via Paul Tarvydas

🧵 conversation

Drawware using draw.io - recent submission to Handmade Jam that I was involved with

🖋 Visualizing Text - Slider: Goal: Lightweight Text Visualization via Paul Tarvydas

🧵 conversation

Visualizing Text - recent submission to Handmade Jam that I was involved with

🤖🎥 Domain specific assistants in NoCode tools using ChatGPT via Mariano Guerra

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GlooData demo on how to use ChatGPT to provide domain specific assistants in NoCode tools

  • Create cron-like schedules, check upcoming times

  • Generate & run a SQL query using the db schema as context

  • Scaffold JSON-like data

  • Build & preview rich Slack messages

💡 What Follows from Empirical Software Research? via Jimmy Miller

🧵 conversation

When we ask questions like:

  • Should we use static or dynamic types?
  • Should we practice TDD?
  • Should we do agile development?
  • Should we use a memory safe-language?

People often say that the correct answer to all these questions is just to look at what the research shows. If research shows these things are good, then we should use them, if not, then not. In fact, this sort of response can be used to rebut almost anything we want to explore in the future of coding community. Why are we so interested in "X" if "X" hasn't been shown to be better via research? This sort of response has always bothered me. So I wrote a blog post on that question.

snap.love: a graph drawing tool via Kartik Agaram

🧵 conversation

I just published a little app to draw graphs: git.sr.ht/~akkartik/snap.love

I've wanted something like this for a long time. Intended for small graphs where laying things out by hand is not too painful, and it's nice that things don't move around every time I make a change, as happens with graphviz (graphviz.org). The file format is also amenable to git; no long lines, and adding new nodes or edges doesn't reorder unrelated nodes and edges.

Immediately after sharing it, I notice that there's also a limit on the number of edges. Too many edges, and the dumb layout algorithm (connecting centroids of nodes) starts to creak.


🍝 CALL/RETURN Spaghetti via Paul Tarvydas

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🍰 ivanish.ca/wormhole via Ivan Reese

🧵 conversation

For anyone looking to kill some time, I threw up a little page about some sound design that I did for the FoC podcast, with a few links to various places on the internet.

Devlog Together

🏗 Oleksandr Kryvonos

🧵 conversation

I am back with another attempt for AST editor, now it will be more in Scratch and Haxe style,

  • you have sockets
  • sockets can have symbol value or another AST-node
  • AST is transpiled to JS, [more languages support in the future]
  • there is no baby-sitting here - you can end up with incorrect code if you are not careful

Знімок екрана 2023-04-07 о 17.34.06.png

💬 Jason Chan

🧵 conversation

Saw a few people share snippets of Subset on Twitter so we decided to make it a lil easier by adding a screenshot feature!

The cool/fun tidbit is that when we needed to change the background color of the canvas before we took a screenshot, but thought it looked ugly. So we came up with this camera shutter effect, which masks the actual background changing it’s color to blue, screenshotting, and turning back to grey.

🎥 subset screenshots


🐸 TodePond Coding Influences via Lu Wilson

🧵 conversation

Hey! Someone (@Rajath R) asked me for any links/references to delve deeper into creative coding-y stuff.

So I updated my list of coding influences. You might find something new there (or you might not).

🎥 Tooll3 - A free software for Procedural Motion Design via Mariano Guerra

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Tooll 3 is an open source software to create realtime motion graphics.

🐢 Got Linux booting on scratch!!! via Nicolas Decoster

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Someone is trying to boot Linux from a Scratch project. 😮🤯😻

In fact, it's a RISC-V emulator programmed with Scratch.

Here is his journey (quoting the author):

I actually started this project with not very much understanding of RISC-V, but after a few hours of debugging I got the hang of it. The emulator was actually based of off github.com/cnlohr/mini-rv32ima, which i ported to Java a while back, and from Java I ported to SCPP (A programming language I wrote) and from SCPP I ported it to here [(i.e. plain Scratch)].

Regarding SCPP:

SCPP (Scratch C Plus Plus) github.com/Its-Jakey/SCPP

It's really interesting to see the creativity of people that learned programming with Scratch, then start exploring new horizons to eventually come back to Scratch.

🏗🎥 Pascal Genie - Structured Program Editing in 1986 via Jack Rusher

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Structure editing for Pascal, c. 1986. This video was recently produced by an enthusiast running the system in emulation.

🔌 Circles Node Editor via Ibro

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Tried this out on an iPad: docs.circles.software. Not much programming or different from other visual tools. But it seems making box and wires “gooey” goes a long way for mobile usability.

Create live graphics with animations.
Code in JavaScript & Metal.
Create camera filters.
Build interfaces.

Thinking Together

6️⃣ hexagony: A two-dimensional, hexagonal programming language. via Kartik Agaram

🧵 conversation

Befunge, but readable

github.com/m-ender/hexagony made the rounds of the internet yesterday, and caused me to swap in an old interest of mine that I've flailed ineffectually at in the past (e.g.): a way to display a program that makes its large-scale structure really obvious (rather than obfuscating it as Befunge does).

One problem I have with Befunge (not the one you're thinking of, ha) and other fungeoids [1] is that ...

🧵 continuer reading

🌳 Permacomputing via Konrad Hinsen

🧵 conversation

One of my recent discoveries is Permacomputing (I had encountered the term before, but never looked at it closely before). And I am wondering if anyone here has explored it more than I did, and if anyone has a view on how it might matter for the future of coding. I suspect that Kartik Agaram is aware of this because some of his projects are cited as "adjacent".

At first sight, the principles and overall objectives of permacomputing resonate with me, but I see a lot of theory and little practice. While I can see how such technology could be valuable in a different universe, which may of course be tomorrow's reality, my impression is that in the real world of today, permacomputing is nerd fiction.


🤖📝 Low-code LLM: Visual Programming over LLMs via Scott Anderson

🧵 conversation

LLM prompting with a visual programming language

📝 Chameleon: Plug-and-Play Compositional Reasoning with Large Language Models via Thanh Dinh

🧵 conversation

I don't know if I want to laugh of cry 😂. This is done just by duct-taping a bunch of APIs and GPT-4 prompts together. Maybe the future of programming will be more English than code? chameleon-llm.github.io. Paper and Code

Future of Coding Weekly 2023/04 Week 3

2023-04-16 23:17

🗨 Speech Act Oriented Programming 📚 Journal of Unconventional Computing 🧠 LLMing Fast & Slow 🧞 JIT UIs

Two Minute Week

💬 Joakim Ahnfelt-Rønne

🧵 conversation

🎥 Type inference on hover for Firefly

🎥 Visual Programming Tool | Visual Programming for the Modern Web via Gabriel Grinberg

🧵 conversation

Some Flyde progress:

  • Run flow from the editor itself! (before that, you had to write some code to load the flow and trigger it yourself
  • 5 "New flow" templates - from HTTP examples to a memoized recursive Fibonacci sequence 🤓
  • Some general UI tweaks (Large "part menu", hotkeys screen)

Our Work

🐦 Tweet from @jvuillermet via Jeremy Vuillermet

🧵 conversation

Hi everyone, here is a recording of a data-first design tool I demoed during last future of code meetup.

Next, I would like to explore how to improve the formula input/editor. I think there is an opportunity for more structured editing while adding playfulness and intermediate value preview. I like those 2 directions so far:

Any other idea or reference in that space?

Devlog Together

💬 Lu Wilson

🧵 conversation

I'm making a node-based language for a youtube video. This is my current plan:

It's all about 'pointing'.

In the engine, there are various different types of arrow. And all of these arrows can 'fire' in their own way. For example, some of them fire when you click on them. Some of them fire when they move in a cellular automata grid.

When an arrow fires, it does something. For example, some arrows make a noise. Some arrows create more arrows.

When an arrow fires, it also fires anything else that it points to. It could point to just one other arrow, or many, or even itself.

This 'firing' happens instantly. An arrow fires on the same beat as what it points to.

But you can change the connection, and make it fire one beat later instead. This lets you set up chains of events. One arrow fires, then the next, then the next. You can make loops with this quite easily. Just point an arrow back to itself at some point.

Here's the fun bit: Just like you can make an arrow fire one beat later, you can also make it fire one beat earlier. An arrow in the future can make an arrow fire in the past. This seems to break the rules of causation! But it doesn't, and it's possible, and I'm really excited about it.

Thinking Together

💬 Josh Justice

🧵 conversation

Has anyone read Christopher Alexander’s The Timeless Way of Building in light of future of code? He’s the literal architect whose concept of patterns inspired the software patterns movement. In practice, Java enterprise software patterns are a lot of the past-of-code that we want to get away from. I’ve read that Alexander thought that community missed the point, and from Timeless Way I believe it. From the first chapter he gets into the concept that people should be able to build their own buildings, that it doesn’t take extensive planning, and that it resonates with something very natural within us and within the world. I don’t want to say more as I really think you need to read it in context for it to sink in; but I’d recommend picking up a copy.

💬 Paul Tarvydas

🧵 conversation

Brooks said in the Mythical Man Month.


Fail again.


You want to find a way to fail-fast the first two times. Using type-checked, bloatware languages ain’t the way to fail-fast.

🐦 Tweet from @nileshtrivedi via Nilesh Trivedi

🧵 conversation

I've been thinking: We might need new languages for describing workflows that involve both humans and bots. Something much nicer than BPMN (which is XML-based):

We need new languages where projects/workflows can be distributed to both human and AI agents, while supporting full capabilities of both. Something much nicer than BPMN

🗨📝 Elephant 2000 via Eli Mellen

🧵 conversation

I’ll be leaning a discussion at my work about Elephant 2000 soon, and found this very valuable context to help ground the paper in some common, yet not clearly defined terms.

Anyone have thoughts on Elephant 2000?

💬 Eli Mellen

🧵 conversation

Anyone planning to read anything interesting and future of code adjacent this weekend?

📝 csvbase.com via Christopher Galtenberg

🧵 conversation

In the space of making data end-user too

CSVbase is another open/public data site csvbase.com (pay/subscribe to keep private data)

Easy to get parquet too, just add ~_*.parquet*_~ after any data url

About page csvbase.com/about

Sharing data is as easy as pasting csvbase.com/new-table/paste even straight from excel

The blog is off to a good start, teaching some basics csvbase.com/blog

📝 Two algorithms for randomly generating aperiodic tilings via Mattia Fregola

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📚 International Journal of Unconventional Computing via Konrad Hinsen

🧵 conversation

TIL about the "International Journal of Unconventional Computing"

📝 A proposed Stack Exchange site for programming language development is close to entering beta! via George Campbell

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StackExchange for programming language development

📝 The early days of Linux via Shubhadeep Roychowdhury

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🧠💬 Eric Normand

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If we assume GPT is system 1, can we get it to "develop" a system 2 by asking it the right questions?

  • I and others have had success asking it to work step-by-step and talk out loud.
  • I've also had success asking it to provide a better answer after it answers.
  • I've tried doing a de Bono's Thinking Hats scenario to answer questions.

I think there's some interesting work there to be done, especially regarding "frameworks". Like ask it to use a framework to answer the question. Ask it to use several different frameworks then synthesize a single answer.

The cool thing is, it tends to already know the framework. You don't have to program it in, you just have to ask it to use the framework.

I also don't know if there is any advantage to using multiple chats (that don't share history) to collaborate on an answer vs using a single chat with a single history.

🧞🐘 Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith@mastodon.social) via Ivan Reese

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Using GPT to generate an app's GUI on the fly. Basically, the design of the app is transient and created dynamically based on the exact need of the moment.

💡 Programming as Theory Building via David Alan Hjelle

🧵 conversation

Inspired by the podcast on Programming as Theory Building, I put together a short talk with my attempt at trying to explain and/or share my take-aways from the paper. It's for a local (Fargo, ND) developer meet-up. I tried to steer towards the practical implications as much as I could since we have a pretty diverse (in terms of interest and skill-set) audience.

Future of Coding Weekly 2023/04 Week 2

2023-04-10 23:29

✍️ A Caret for Your Thoughts 🛸 Electric Clojure 👜 Computer History by Balenciaga 🤖 AI of Coding

Two Minute Week

🎥 Code in documentation via Peter Saxton

🧵 conversation

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I've started using my languge to write the documentation page for itself. The cool bit is the fact I can reference parts of the AST and render them in page, so the example are not made up but just parts of the standard library. The actual docs live at language.web.petersaxton.uk

Our Work

🤖 GPT-powered bot that can automate complex online tasks using both the web browser and API calls. via Nilesh Trivedi

🧵 conversation & 🧵 conversation

I built this command-line bot that perform complex online tasks using both browser and APIs of cloud-services: github.com/aicombinator/bot

It's built with GPT-3.5-Turbo, Puppeteer and ActivePieces.

👨🏽‍💻 Interactive WebAssembly binary inspector via Mariano Guerra

🧵 conversation

New wasmfromthegroundup.com interactive WebAssembly binary inspector:

  • Hex view at the top

  • Byte meaning on hover

  • Byte format options: hex, dec, oct, bin

  • Select byte to focus "Slice" at the bottom with binary format syntax tree

  • Outline tree view in second tab

🐦 Mariano Guerra: New @WasmGroundUp interactive #WebAssembly binary inspector:

  • Hex view at the top
  • Byte meaning on hover
  • Byte format options: hex, dec, oct, bin
  • Select byte to focus "Slice" at the bottom with binary format syntax tree
  • Outline tree view in second tab

Tweet Thumbnail

🐸 TodePond/DreamBerd v0. via Lu Wilson

🧵 conversation

Hi all, I am unhappy to announce the un-launch of DreamBerd back into beta .

Also introducing some new features like immutable data, significant whitespace, and lifetimes!

Read the full release notes here: github.com/TodePond/DreamBerd/releases/tag/v0.

Devlog Together

💬 Jason Chan

🧵 conversation

New update for subset.so! You can now group blocks of spreadsheets in the Canvas to organize, group, and drag multiple blocks around. The SF in person meeting was helpful for validating and implementing this one so thanks everyone 🙂


💻 git.sr.ht/~akkartik/driver.love via Kartik Agaram

🧵 conversation

Update on git.sr.ht/~akkartik/driver.love, my live-editing environment. It's still extremely easy (1% for me, 10% for others?) to crash the driver, so I've been trying to track down thoses corner cases. Realization: my memory of such crashes and instinct for situations causing crashes is extremely unreliable. Possibly the app's error behavior is changing under me during seemingly unrelated changes. I've been spinning my wheels on this for a couple of weeks. Hopefully it'll clarify over time. I might need a more elaborate set of tests that involve configuring a client app just so.

Thinking Together

💬 Adriaan Leijnse

🧵 conversation

I've been thinking about how the state of a running program could be modeled as the definition of a program changing over time. This seems closely related to "image" based programming systems, right? Does anyone have thoughts or reading related to this?

(I got there thinking about the branchable/forkable database trend which tries to tie program version to state version.)


🎥 A Caret for Your Thoughts: Adapting Caret (Ꮖ) Navigation to Visual Editors via Lu Wilson

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"A Caret for Your Thoughts: Adapting Caret (T) Navigation to Visual Editors" by Elliot Evans

I chatted with Elliot a while back about this so it's great to see it in action!

Really cool to see explorations in how to "bridge" different styles of programming together!

🎥 State of Unreal | GDC 2023 | Epic Games - ESRB: RP to M via Tak Tran

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Unreal Engine are looking to release a new language, Verse, that is halfway between their visual programming language, Blueprint, and C++. Text-first, concurrency first and typed. They are framing it as a metaverse native language, that they hope to open source and standardise (port to other game environments like Unity, roblox etc too). I’m interested to see what a concurrency first language will look like from such a large player in the games industry. Seems like it’d be popular in the indie dev space (I’m starting to look into learning UE atm, and hoping it succeeds as a better alternative to C++ 😛)

📝 Why Doesn't Software Show Up in Productivity? via David Alan Hjelle

🧵 conversation

The last couple podcasts connecting with programmer productivity reminded me of this article trying to trace software's impact — or not — on overall productivity. It's main claim is that software, so far, has not had the expected impact on overall productivity, and that the challenge is that it is hard and expensive to model the real world within the constraints of programming. (Maybe you read it differently!) It seems to me that this is one big challenge with end-user programming, too: many people don't want to think beforehand about all the exceptions to a rule that happen in real life, since real life allows you to address those exceptions on-the-fly.

🛸 Electric Clojure via Tom Hutchinson

🧵 conversation

Electric Clojure (previously called “Photon”) is pretty exciting, it “fully abstracts over client/server state sync at the programming language layer” which I found a bit hard to get my head around but this new example site does a great job of explaining the idea. One of the interesting things I’ve seen made with it is this Clojure spreadsheet app.

🐦 Tweet from @azlenelza via João Araújo

🧵 conversation

It's a meme, but it's really good: twitter.com/azlenelza/status/1644789222082244613?s=20

🐦 Azlen: Computer history by Balenciaga

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🎥 ConjureUI Demo via William Taysom

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Bespoke UIs mixed in with Chat.

📝 Controlled Natural Language via Konrad Hinsen

🧵 conversation

There are two technologies that I'd expect to be useful in the context of LLMs:

Has anyone seen such connections pointed out or explored yet?

🤖 Build agents which are controlled by LLMs via Ivan Lugo

🧵 conversation

So is it the case that langchain and agents are specifically built prompt templates that are backed with some fun interprocess coms, passing the results to various piped tools like a python / JS script to get the next ‘prompt piece’, and then looping until something ‘correct’ comes up? I feel github.com/mpaepper/llm_agents simplified the abstractions a bit to help me understand what was going on.

💬 Nilesh Trivedi

🧵 conversation

Thinking about multi-agent / multi-tool systems where humans and bots collaborate:


Future of Coding Weekly 2023/04 Week 1

2023-04-03 13:54

🎙 FoC Podcast: Out of the Tar Pit 📢 Visibility Jam 🤖 AI all the Things

Two Minute Week

💬 Joakim Ahnfelt-Rønne

🧵 conversation

🎥 Highligthing in VSCode and a tiny full stack webapp in Firefly. Frontend, backend & assets in a single file < 100 lines.

👐 Magic hands via Tak Tran

🧵 conversation

I’ve been playing around with hand tracking, inspired by Bret Victor’s Future of Interaction Design article from ages back, and it’s come together in this little toy I made, combining fluid simulation: Magic Hands 🙌 (blog post)

Very much a starting point, but quite keen to see what else can be done with hand tracking in the browser - also keen to hear more examples of hand tracking work 🙂

📝 Darklang is going all-in on ChatGPT via Paul Biggar

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Though this is an announcement of new direction for Darklang, I spend quite a bit of time looking at what AI means for programming languages blog.darklang.com/gpt

poem.town/clock via Matt Webb

🧵 conversation

Hullo! Would anybody be able to look at my new website about my AI Clock and simply tell me whether it works? I’ve had a report that it is being labeled as “unsafe” and I would like to resolve this before sharing the link publicly… Thank you!

🎙 Future of Coding • Episode 63 Ben Moseley & Peter Marks • Out of the Tar Pit via Ivan Reese

🧵 conversation

Out of the Tar Pit is in the grand pantheon of great papers, beloved the world over, with just so much influence . The resurgence of Functional Programming over the past decade owes its very existence to the Tar Pit’s snarling takedown of mutable state, championed by Hickey & The Cloj-Co. Many a budding computational philosophizer — both of yours truly counted among them — have been led onward to the late great Bro86 by this paper’s borrow of his essence and accident . But is the paper actually good? Like, really — is it that good? Does it hold up to the blinding light of hindsight that 2023 offers? Is this episode actually an April Fools joke, or is it a serious episode that Ivan just delayed by a few weeks because of life circumstances and his own incoherent sense of humour? I can’t tell.

Apologies in advance. Next time, we’re going back to our usual format to discuss Intercal.

📝 Failure Driven Design via Paul Tarvydas

🧵 conversation

📝 How to Survive the Machine Age via greg kavanagh

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I’m working on a tool for text.

This is some output but it also seems apt considering the current zeitgeist. (Warning contains some adult content)


🎥 Sam Altman: OpenAI CEO on GPT-4, ChatGPT, and the Future of AI | Lex Fridman Podcast #367 via Jarno Montonen

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Lex Fridman interviewing Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI. Interesting bits about GPT's capabilities and OpenAI's goals.

📝 A Retrospective on Paradigms of AI Programming via Shubhadeep Roychowdhury

🧵 conversation

🎥 But what is the Central Limit Theorem? via William Taysom

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In his latest, it looks to me like Grant Sanderson has brushed up his Manim (animation engine), maybe just that this video features a lot of Bret Victorish sliding.

📢 Visibility Jam via Kartik Agaram

🧵 conversation

The next Jam on Handmade Network seems be very relevant to us

📝 Linguistics and Programming Languages via Shubhadeep Roychowdhury

🧵 conversation

Devlog Together

📝 lines.love via Kartik Agaram

🧵 conversation

Today I got a feature request from someone in the LÖVE community and created a fork of lines.love with 2 buttons:

  • clear the buffer. I imagine this like clearing an Etch-a-sketch.
  • export the buffer to html. I imagine it emerging out of the app like a Polaroid.

He sent me this screenshot from his iPad ❤



💬 Jason Morris

🧵 conversation

This has been the most frustrating couple of weeks I have had in the 14 months or so I have been working on this project. I'm in the process of implementing event reasoning as a language feature in Blawx. But allowing users to specify events as dates has counterintuitively required me to NOT represent them as dates in the back end. Which I discovered only after half a week of dead ends. Which in turn means that I had to rewrite my date library, throwing away about a month's worth of work, and losing several features (mostly to do with using years and months as units of duration). That worked, and had some other benefits including speed, but in turn has changed where the valuable information lives in the system's responses (from the values given to variables, if any, to the constraints imposed on those values), which means that I have to rebuild significant parts of the way responses are displayed to users. Everytime I think I have solved the problem, I discover that the solution offers three new problems. It has been an emotional rollercoaster that is driving me nuts. I want to believe that the remaining problems to solve are not hiding yet bigger problems, but I have believed that before, and this has already taken three times as long as anticipated. And I haven't even gotten to the point of being able to genuinely test it. Who knows? <Venting>


💬 Jarno Montonen

🧵 conversation

ChatGPT (4) and DALL-E seem to be very slow atm, almost unusable. What if the demand for these services grows so fast that the semiconductor industry can't keep up? Could it be that AI won't take over the world within the next couple years as either there won't be enough computational power to run all the queries, or the prices will be hiked by a lot to balance the demand for the available computation power?

💻 AI Chat: Using ChatGPT/GPT-3.5/GPT-4 in the terminal via Nilesh Trivedi

🧵 conversation

Found this tool to use LLMs on command-line with pre-define roles/prompts etc

Here are some sample roles/prompts

📝 Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter - Future of Life Institute via Jonathan Edwards

🧵 conversation

📝 GPT’s Very Inhuman Mind | NOEMA via Jonathan Edwards

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Jimmy Miller what do you make of section 4 of noemamag.com/gpts-very-inhuman-mind

🎥 CLAIRify: Instruction Guided Task Programming with Verifier-Assisted Iterative Prompting via Gustavo Goretkin

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Example of using LLM and classical verifier (a compiler for some DSL) to boost an LLM's code generation


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