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Future of Coding Weekly 2024/04 Week 4

2024-04-23 12:01

πŸŽ™οΈ FoC 71 β€’ Elephant in the Room 🧢 Stitching worlds πŸŽ₯ bi-directional data flow using visual programming

Our Work

πŸ“ Zest: syntax via Jamie Brandon

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If syntax isn't important why does this feel so good...

πŸŽ™οΈ Future of Coding 71 β€’ Elephant in the Room via Ivan Reese

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Yes, all three of them in one episode. Phew!

Devlog Together

πŸ’¬ Tak Tran

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I’m playing with electronics and crocheting atm. Imagining what other ways there are to interact with a computer, other than keyboard and mouse. This is a custom made bend/pressure sensor using copper sheets, velostat as a semi-conductive layer in between, with a crochet leaf on top and felt on the bottom, for a soft, non metallic feel πŸ‘

πŸŽ₯ Video

πŸ”™ How can you even reverse a function? via Ivan Reese

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I shared some thoughts about my personal definition of reversible computing over on Mastodon today. (Yeah, I slightly mangled the example of a surjective function β€” should have said nonnegative integers.)

πŸŽ₯ bi-directional data flow using visual programming via Maikel van de Lisdonk

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Youtube Thumbnail

In this video I show a small celsius to fahrenheit converter (this is one of the tasks from 7Gui) that I build using my visual programming system and extended it where needed.

The solution uses an observe-variable node-type which triggers a flow when a variable gets set. I've also build a new user-input node with decimal formatting option (in the near future I will extend this to be configurable forms for collecting user-input).

You can see what happens as you type in the celsius or fahrenheit temperature in the input fields (you see the data flowing though the flow). To prevent an infinite loop, the flow-engine uses a call-stack which stops running when a node gets run twice.

I am still thinking of different solutions but for now this works (some nodes gets run unneeded, I think this can be optimized). Per node-call the node-id, scope-id and input port-name is stored on the call-stack, this is needed to keep other things working like the recursive functions in the quicksort example.

The celsius-to-fahrenheit converter can be tried out here : demo.codeflowcanvas.io via the examples dropdown.


🧢 Stitching worlds via Tak Tran

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Stitching worlds - a magazine imagining β€œWhat if electronics emerged from textile techniques such as knitting, weaving, crochet, and embroidery?” - Stitching worlds (stitchingworlds.net)

An embroidered computer using gold embroidery and magnetic beads (in the magazine): ireneposch.net/the-embroidered-computer

πŸ“ stitchingworlds

Stitching Worlds is an artistic research project funded by the Program for Arts-Based Research (PEEK) of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The project is hosted by the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Institute of Design, Department of Industrial Design 2.

πŸ“ The Embroidered Computer | Irene Posch

The Embroidered Computer uses historic gold embroidery materials to craft a programmable 8 bit computer.

πŸ“ sesnors via Tak Tran

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Also, a treasure trove of ideas for ways of making DIY sesnors/connections/actuators and random other things - How to get what you want (DIY wearable technology documentation)

Great name too πŸ˜„

πŸ“ Understanding and Effectively Mitigating Code Review Anxiety via Eli Mellen

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Not a 1:1 future of coding article, but this paper recently published by the dev. success lab is pretty neat, especially if you are interested in helping to foster learning culture.


πŸ’¬ Jason Morris

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Has anyone done any work with the memory design from the human simulacrum paper by Joon Sung Park? Saw a presentation last week at Stanford, the boss is having me experiment with his code base. Would like to exchange notes.

Present Company

πŸ’¬ Tom Lieber

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My favorite loosely-syntaxed calculator finally has another mobile release! image.png

πŸ‘¨πŸ½β€πŸ’» By 🐘 @marianoguerra@hachyderm.io 🐦 @warianoguerra

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