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Future of Coding Weekly 2023/05 Week 3

2023-05-14 23:23

💼 CRDT Collaborative Spreadsheets ✍ Real-time collaboration & version control for writers 🗄️ Xerox PARC file system archive

Two Minute Week

🐢 > Outlines in > Outlines in > Outlines by Mariano Guerra

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Contributing to the Lu Wilson Cinematic Universe

> Outlines in > Outlines in > Outlines

  • Enter deeply nested objects/arrays

  • Leave by using breadcrumbs at the top

  • Paginate objects/arrays

  • Collapse/Expand children

  • Do operations at any level

  • State survives data updates


🐝 firefly-lang.org via Joakim Ahnfelt-Rønne

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LSP experience of writing the webserver that redirects firefly-lang.org to firefly-lang.org

🎥 Demo

💬 Jason Morris

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Improved the interface, fixed event reasoning, and restyled the scenario editor to look like a Gov't of Canada webpage. Code in the picture, result in the gif.



Our Work

💬 Yair Chuchem

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Finally fixed glitches in Lamdu’s resize, so we can showcase our automatic layout quite nicely!

🎥 lamdu resize demo

Devlog Together

💻 adept.ai via Nilesh Trivedi

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TaxyAI repo has been removed and the site now redirects to adept.ai. I started a fresh browser extension project to replicate that and more: github.com/aicombinator/browser-extension

Javascript developers are welcome to contribute! 🙏

🐸 TODEPOND TIMES: Resolve via Lu Wilson

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tried out recording myself talking for my weekly update this week. may or may not keep doing this!

this week: some progress on video-editing, and why I love data validation

💬 Jason Morris

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Had an interesting experience this week, I'd like to share about the effect of changing the visual context of my tool...🧵

Thinking Together

💬 Josh Cho

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I have been creating a graph-based notetaking app; I am curious about the current landscape. I see Roam/Obsidian/Logseq sort of in the same category (with Obsidian Canvas as a feature with a lot of potential), and Tana (which I just learned about) goes one step further by nodifying more things. Are there any other killer features/products in this space?

I don't want to make something that already exists :)


💬 Paul Tarvydas

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I enjoyed this assessment. I lived through the shift to recursion. I note, though, that recursion and functions make sense only for single-threaded pieces of hardware which is how CPUs and Memory were perceived in the 1950s. Today, we can have bowls full of CPUs with their own local memories, which changes the ground truth about hardware. While it is possible to extrapolate recursion to describe distributed systems, the recursive mind-set leads to epicycles such as thread safety, multi-tasking operating systems, thread libraries, loops, etc., i.e. a generally horrible DX (Developer eXperience) for creating distributed programs.

🎥 "Emmy: Moldable Physics and Lispy Microworlds" by Sam Ritchie via Kartik Agaram

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Youtube Thumbnail

🛸 Spring Lisp Game Jam 2023 via Paul Tarvydas

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Lisp Game Jam is a recurring game jam taking place for a full 10 days. After the jam has finished, 3 days are given to everyone to try out the game submissions and vote for their favorites. There is no theme for this jam.

💼 A Study of Semantics for CRDT-based Collaborative Spreadsheets via Mariano Guerra

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Online collaboration is becoming prevalent in our day-today work. As commercial applications show, next to texts, spreadsheets are an essential tool for storing and organizing shared data. However, concurrent modifications of a collaborative spreadsheet can lead to unexpected results when they reflect implementation decisions rather than user intention.

With this paper, we systematically discuss spreadsheet operations and their semantics and propose intention-preserving designs in a concurrent decentralized setting, thus supporting offline operations. We further explore different data models for shared spreadsheets based on composed Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) and give an implementation in the local-first framework Yjs.

📑 Halt and catch fire syllabus via João Araújo

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Any folks here interested in doing this “watching group” together? bits.ashleyblewer.com/halt-and-catch-fire-syllabus

📝 Upwelling: Combining real-time collaboration with version control for writers. via Carson Kahn

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Surprising to see this hasn’t (?) been shared in FoC yet

Collaborative writing tools don’t work well for writers or editors. With Upwelling, we demonstrate a design that gives writers privacy while still offering editors transparency into how a document is changing.

🪵 The Pinocchioverse via Kartik Agaram

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Hest in real life: pinocchioverse.org

🗄️ Xerox PARC file system archive: A Backup of Historical Proportions - CHM via João Araújo

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The PARC archive is open!

Discover what surprises await in CHM's release of the Xerox PARC file system archive.

💬 Eric Normand

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Does anyone know of a recent book that describes some of the efforts and thinking about the future of code?

💡 scrapscript.org via Mariano Guerra

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Scrapscript is best understood through a few perspectives:

  • “it’s JSON with types and functions and hashed references”
  • “it’s tiny Haskell with extreme syntactic consistency”
  • “it’s a language with a weird IPFS thing”

🧮 Sinerider via Kartik Agaram

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This game feels very Bret Victor: sinerider.com

A game about love and graphing

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